It’s too late tonight to drag the past out into the light

The other day I was going through a shitload of files on an external hard drive of mine (I’m a bit of a digital hoarder) and I found all the old sprite comics I made back in high school. I read through them all in order over the course of about a half an hour and…I actually laughed a few times. Some of them weren’t half bad.

A good friend of mine got me into making comics and we created a website together back in our sophomore or junior year of high school. The site was called Unstable Soup and it was the home to both my comic and their comic. We both sorta let life get in the way and while their comic fizzled out pretty quickly, I managed to hang on a bit longer and got to around comic 100 or so. After that, the site just sorta fell into that internet purgatory of abandoned sites that never get updated. It’s gone completely now.

So anyway, I was sitting there looking at these and I was like “You know, these aren’t actually horrible. It’s a shame these are just sitting on a hard drive.”
And that got me thinking that I might create another wordpress blog as a companion to this one and slap up the ol’ comic archive. I’m not saying I’ll make new ones, just put up all the ones I published (holy fuck, 14 years ago?) and also put up all the others that I made but never put up (there’s about 10-12 of those).

I dunno. It’s just me thinking about stuff to do again.

My process in a nutshell

Well, I have promised a 4 part retrospective and review series on the Blair Witch franchise over at Tracking Lines.  The anxiety ridden procrastinator in me really wishes I hadn’t done that. lol.

So I am scrambling to complete the first part, having watched the first film last night. I have these scheduled to go up at 7PM Pacific tonight, tomorrow and Friday, with the last one following after whenever I see the new movie, some time this weekend.

So, I thought I’d share a bit about my writing process here as I work on this. Also, you get a sneak peak at the first two paragraphs (which are subject to change) so…bonus!

Continue reading My process in a nutshell

It’s my music at work

Well, I’m back at work for another day.

I desperately want to write something, but…

  1. I don’t know what to write
  2. I’m really busy today.

So I dunno.

I’m really proud of Tracking Lines at this point. We’re getting hits and reader interaction to a magnitude that I have never gotten on any of my previous blogs. It’s fun to see people reading what I write and enjoying it.
I’m trying to think of articles to post, and I think I might snag one I wrote for my personal blog 4-5 years ago, polish it up, and put it up on Tracking Lines. I mean, no one read my personal blog anyway, so it will be new to almost everyone. lol.

Anyway, back to checking out the Apple Event via liveblog, and then waiting for the Playstation Event in a couple hours.

…and yes, of course, back to work. Ha!

Computer Get!

I have my computer.

I first decided on the $1399 13-in Macbook Pro about a month ago. After a while, I finally bumped up to the $1999 15-in Macbook Pro, realizing that 13-in was a step back from my last laptop in terms of screen size. However, once I was in Best Buy, the dude started trying to up-sell me on the $2199 15-in Macbook Pro with the i7 processor…

So I bought it. Yes, he was trying to up-sell me, but I didn’t take much convincing to do it, I was already thinking that was the way to go.

I have my nice, new computer. I’m still adapting to using a Mac again after about 6 years of being Windows-exclusive. I really like it though.

Next up…Final Cut Studio.

Taking care of business and working overtime

Well, yesterday was an interesting day.

I work in an office with 2 other people (well, and the bosses). They both have one day a week off. I work a full, 5 day week. I also work the late shift, beginning around noon.
Anyway, one of the people I work with is pregnant and very near her due date. She called me yesterday at 7:30 AM and said that she couldn’t make it in. It also happened to be the other person’s day off. The thing is, that person said they will not give up their day off when the other is on maternity leave. (Whatever, she has her reasons, not a big deal. I’m not that upset about it.) The bosses said they would cover on the one day a week that person is off.
…The problem is my bosses don’t do the day to day work and don’t come into the office that often, meaning they have no idea how to do the work they are covering.
Long story short, I worked from 8 AM to 8PM yesterday. I ran the entire office and did most of the work myself.
I am so happy it’s Friday. Yesterday sucked.

This is my private life, come and get me out of here.

Yeah, I just realized I don’t really write about my self that much. Looking over my last few posts, I have 2 game reviews, a promise of a TV review, and a draft of an album review. Aside from that, all my posts have been about me making a video, one that I may never release now. So a total of 1 post was about me, and that was me bitching about work.

Who am I? Well, I’m hoping to shed some light on that. I’ve decided to write about more than just some media I’ve consumed and spit out my opinion on. I’ve realized looking back how little of me is actually on here. Sure, I typed out my thoughts on things, but everyone can do that (and they do on the likes of amazon and other sites).

I figure I’ll write a bit more about my life from now on, along with the reviews. I’ll throw in things I find on the web that I like. All in all though, I plan to inject into this blog something it needs, personality, and even more importantly, some fun.


Work sucks, I know.

I’m sitting at work right now, but really I’d rather be writing something.

My bosses have decided to switch computer programs, which in my field is pretty much the nervous system of our business. Everything we do depends on our program and how well we can use it.

So I am put in charge of this new program and the training that comes along with it. This thing is cumbersome and slow as hell. Work I used to be able to get done in 30 seconds, now takes five minutes. To top it off, this program is giving me ill-advised advice on the data I am entering, automatically changing what I enter to what it thinks it should be, and even transmitting information that I never entered in.

We brought this up with my boss yesterday, and he admitted that this program was probably not the way to go, but he told us to deal with it. It came off almost as he is doing this to spite our previous computer programmer, who he has yet to even tell he is letting go.

This thing is so bad that I got to the point last night that I almost flew into an ADAMANTIUM RAGE! Okay, not really, but I got so pissed that I went home afterwords wanting to work on my script, but in that mood I just couldn’t write comedy.

…I just don’t know what to do. This sucks. Thank God it’s Friday.